ABOUT DR. Odia (M.D., Ph.D.,):
Dr. Odia, M.D., Ph.D., is a licensed acupuncturist certified by the Allied Health Professions Council. He is also a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine. Dr. Odia, comes from a family that has practiced acupuncture for three generations. Having worked both with them as well as privately, he has over 20 years of clinical experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Herbal Medicines.
He combines his knowledge of Eastern and Western Medicine to provide a unique acupuncture and TCM practice dedicated to helping people.
Dr. Odia received his M.D. from the Shanghai Second Medical University, China. His Ph.D. from the University of Free State, South Africa.
For more information, you can email Dr. Odia at drodiaherbalistcenter@gmail.com